Episode 402: How to Survive a Shooting with Alain Burrese

It's possible that a school shooting is the biggest nightmare that keeps parents up at night. We feel helpless to stop such tragedies, because we by definition won't be there. And shootings aren't limited to schools. Various bad guys and unfortunates with mental illness target malls, concerts, clubs, workplaces, churches...anywhere the good guys gather.

Alain Burrese teaches one of the most powerful curriculums in the country for surviving this sort of attack, based on his experience in military, legal, and institutional self-defense. He has exhaustively researched the various active shooter doctrines, and built on it to create the best possible response. He was kind enough to chat with us about what he's learned, and how we can apply it and teach the most vital parts to our kids.

Episode 401: How to Choose a Martial Arts School with Kris Wilder and Jeremy Lesniak

Martial arts training can be one of the best safety decisions you make in your life, and for your family. Although actually using these skills in physical self-defense is rare, the benefits for safety go far beyond disabling an attacker. Just a few benefits include better physical fitness, knowing how to fall down without getting hurt, and a confident demeanor that sends potential attackers looking for an easier target. Also, it's really fun.

But those benefits only come if you get into the right martial arts program. Some programs are a perfect match for your and your family. Some are great schools, but not so great for your needs and interests. Still others are a bad idea for anybody.

Trouble is, if you're not already involved in the martial arts, you don't know what to ask and what to look for when choosing a martial arts school for your family. In today's episode, I join Kris Wilder and Jeremy Lesniak. Between us, we have more than a century of experience in the good, the great, the bad, and the ugly of martial arts across the world. We talk about what we've seen, and how you can turn that into an informed decision for your family once you decide to begin training.

Episode 310: Fire Equipment and Fire Safety with Fire Lieutenant John Kowalski

In 2020, over 1.3 million fires claimed 3,100 lives in the United States alone. Most of those fires were completely preventable with better fire safety, and the overwhelming majority of the deaths could have been avoided with a strong, rehearsed safety plan.

John Kowalski is a Lieutenant in his fire department. He sees what happens when families are less than safe with fire. He knows the risks better than almost anybody, and how to overcome them. In our talk, he walks us through the most important pieces of safety equipment, how to use them, and the mistakes most people make with that gear. Since it's best used as part of a well-thought-out and practiced plan, we also talk about how to build and rehearse one with our families.

Episode 309: Product Safety for Infants and Toddlers with Consumer Journalist Rita R Robison

In a perfect world, parents could always trust that the things they buy for their kids would always be safe. In a perfect world, they would also know the safest way to use everything they bought for their kids. This is not a perfect world. Thousands of children are injured or killed either by unsafe products, or by misusing household items that would otherwise be safe, each year. It's on us to be aware of the dangers, and to avoid them in every way we can.

Rita R. Robison has worked in consumer journalism since print papers were still our primary source of news and information. In that journey, she has found the most important things parents and families should pay attention to, ranging from bad credit traps, to smart consumer moves...to safety issues endangering our children. In today's episode, she talks with us about the most important consumer safety issues for new parents, and for parents with toddlers. Join us as she tells us what's what in this important, but underserved, aspect of family safety.

Episode 308: How to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse with SVU Captain Colleen Lynch

A child predator or sex trafficker abducting or otherwise victimizing our children is one of the worst scenarios we can imagine....but here's the truth. Those things happen extremely rarely. The most likely people to victimize your children are the people you already know: coaches, uncles, cousins, teachers, karate instructors, and neighbors.

Colleen Lynch has spent her law enforcement career stopping the bad guys who victimize children, and helping the children and families who became their victims. She has seen what the monsters do, how they act, and what works to keep our kids safer from them....and she has seen what to do, and what not to do, if we suspect one of them is grooming or abusing our children. We talk for nearly an hour about her experience, her work, and how you and I can make her colleagues less busy by vigilantly protecting our children from molestation and other kinds of abuse.

Episode 307: Family Safety for Black Parents with Michael Dorsey of Black Fathers Now!

No matter your politics, it's a fact that different people face different safety and security challenges. A 200-pound Marine home on leave faces a reality that looks very different from that of a 100-pound woman with no combat training and limited mobility.

Race is part of those differences, impacting everything from health risks, to social scripts and expectations, to interactions with police. Michael Dorsey, host of parenting show Black Fathers NOW!, takes the time to discuss some of those differences...and many of the things we share in common. Whether you're a parent with a black or blended family, or an ally from a different checkbox on the census form, it's a conversation you shouldn't miss.

Episode 306: Planning Travel Security with Bodyguard Chris Story

When bodyguards and other security professionals get ready for a client to travel, they send a team to conduct an "advance": a systematic research and assessment mission about the destination, so they know how best to keep their client safe.

Chris Story is an executive protection professional, who has spent thousands of hours in the field doing this job and written courses for national governments, militaries, and corporate clients.

He was kind enough to walk us through some of the basics about how families can apply his techniques to safer family travel. Whether we're going to grandma's for the weekend, taking the family road trip, or going together to Berlin, Bangkok, or Barcelona, we can take some simple steps to make the whole trip safer and more fun.

On Safety and Social Justice

I had the distinct privilege of interviewing Mike Dorsey, host of the Black Fathers Now! podcast. We talked about the differences in family safety between black families, white families, and mixed families, and some of the best solutions to the problems inherent in those differences. It’s definitely worth a watch:

In today’s blog post, I’m going to be a middle-class white guy talking about race. That’s usually a tactical error, and one people make too often IMHO, but I’m going to make it.

I’m not here to tell black families (or other minorities) what’s what. I am by no means qualified to do that. But I am here to talk to other white folks, because of a concept Marc MacYoung and others call and Educational Beat Down.

What is an Educational Beat Down?

An EBD refers specifically to when a group performs violence on an individual in order to “teach them a lesson”, but we can use it for conversation, correction, and advice.

The important thing to remember about an EBD is it only works when performed by and on members of the same group. If members of the Jets beat up a Shark, that Shark only learns that Jets are his enemy, and probably a bunch of jerks, even if the beating was well-earned and completely deserved.

But if Sharks beat up a fellow Shark because he was out of line, that Shark learns a lesson about how to behave properly in that context.

We have a problem with EBDs in today’s politics. Take the Sharks and the Jets of our social media confrontations: liberals and conservatives. If a liberal tries to correct a conservative, most of the time that conservative doubles-down on their opinion and takes the verbal beating as further proof that liberals are jerks. Liberals do the same thing.

Progress and correction only come when received from members of the same tribe. A liberal can serve up another liberal. A conservative and guide another conservative. A middle-class white guy can offer insights to other middle class white guys on matters of race, even though I have very little experience with race and ethnicity first hand.

That said, I have more than most white people. I’ve lived for a total of three years in countries where racism against white people wasn’t just common, but was the law. I spend two other years in a US neighborhood where white skin made me a target. I won’t begin to pretend this means I know what it’s like to involuntarily live as a racial minority in the United States, but it gives me some perspective I didn’t have before I lived those experiences.

Anyway, I’m here today to talk a bit about how we can be better allies to our minority friends.

What Does This Have To Do With Family Safety?

Families can’t be safe until all families are safe.

As a straight, white, cisgendered, middle-class male in North America, I have more power than 90% of the world to make changes happen, or at least guide some aspects of coming change. That means I have a responsibility to help less fortunate families feel and be safer.

If you’re a twin or close match to me demographically, so do you.

I’m an Ally. What Does That Mean?

The dictionary definition of an ally is

one associated with another as a helper, a person or group that provides assistance and support in an ongoing effort.

Politically right now, that applies specifically to minorities. Folks like me can help people who have fewer disadvantages. I am an ally, and I believe most other people in my situation should be, too. The trick is how to do it, which the next part of this rambling screed will be about. Before I get there, though, I want to mention two things I’m not.

I’m not “woke” or a “social justice warrior”

Being woke means being aware of the social injustices in our world. Being a social justice warrior means being motivated to do something about it. That’s fine and dandy, and people should be both of those things.

Trouble is, I have yet to meet somebody using the word “woke” to describe themselves who wasn’t using it as a bludgeon. They don’t seem to mean “I’m doing something good.” They mean “this other jerk is doing something bad” or worse “I’m better than that other person.”

SJWs are much the same. Hell, the word “warrior” is much the same. I’m from warrior culture. It’s what first attracted me to the martial arts. But much of the time, people who use the word “warrior” in their self-description take themselves way, way too seriously. I know I did, and sometimes still do.

The other thing I see too much from SJWs and the terminally woke is that they’re espousing a good viewpoint, but for purposes of making themselves look and feel better. It’s about ego and power, not about helping others. Not really. Most wouldn’t mind if it also helped people out, but their primary motivation (whether they admit it or not) is to bolster their own ego. Not much good comes from anything that starts from that position.

Although I’m spending this blog post telling people what to do, I’m not better than anybody. I’m worse than most. I’m fortune enough to have access to a lot of information from a lot of people who are smarter and better than me, and that’s it.

There are important exceptions to this observation, but it’s common enough I don’t want to associate myself with the label.

Conservatives might want to make similar decisions about some of the vocal politicians and talking heads you follow.

All right. So What’s the Point of All This?

I told you all of that, to tell you this. After listening to, talking with, and reading the works of a lot of folks who know more about this than I do, here’s five ways I’ve learned for folks like me to be better allies in the world.

1.Get Resilient

Part of helping with injustice and inequality in the US is fully acknowledging our role in it. It means abandoning assumptions and beliefs about the even-ness of the American playing field, and taking on responsibilities we didn’t previously shoulder.

That’s gonna hurt. It’s okay. Growth almost always hurts, and it’s always scary.

One truth about being whitecetera (my new term for having one most of the points in the birth lottery) is we can soak up damage and inconvenience others can’t. It’s on us to toughen up, remain courageous and resilient, and look problems in the eye.

2.Shut Up

We need to listen more when people who aren’t whitecetera speak up.

Because we’re the student president jocks of life’s high school, we’re accustomed to having priority when people listen. Whether or not you realize it. Whether or not that’s true in the specifics of your social group. Whether or not you like it, research has shown this to be true time and time again.

When members of a minority are telling us how it is, or simply talking about how things are, it’s our job to close our lips and listen hard. This means we learn more about some stuff that’s important, and it encourages other people who see us to do the same.

Besides, being still and quiet is relaxing (even healing) when you get used to it. We should do this way more often.

3. Amplify

Sometimes we shouldn’t shut up, because there’s stuff that needs saying.

Many of those times, the best thing we can do is share widely something a person who isn’t whitecetera has to say. It’s kind of like reverse aikido.

In aikido, students learn to defend against attacks by blending with the motion. They add their own power and momentum to the attack, then send it flying in the direction they choose. When we amplify a point of view, we do the same thing…only instead of redirecting an attack we boost something that’s important to us as well.

When we amplify the words of somebody else, that tacit support encourage listening from people who wouldn’t otherwise be inclined to listen. Speaking of that…

4. Conduct EBDs

Remember Educational Beat Downs from earlier? Remember how the most important thing about them is they’re only received by people on the same “team”?

That means when a whitecetera person says something racist (or whatever), they’ll hear not to do that from other whitecetera people…not from members of a minority.

It’s on us to speak up, to get downright uncomfortable and confrontational at times. If we can do it without being woke SJWs, it might not even spoil Thanksgiving dinner.

5. Use Your Weight

The other thing whitecetera people have (generally speaking) is a wider margin for error. We can film police without fearing for our lives. We can get a callback from the local paper or a representative more quickly and easily. We’re more likely to end up in leadership at the PTA or HOA.

Our freedom of movement in this society, though partially earned, happened also because of centuries of social injustice. I figure it’s on us to use it well.

When an opportunity to push for change comes up, we should take it. We’re the least qualified to spot those opportunities, but the most empowered to do something about them.

Okay, Let’s Have a Conversation

Did you feel any of this? Did it make you happy? Piss you off? Rile you up? Help you feel seen?

Whatever it is, find me over on Facebook and let’s have a conversation about it. Civil conversation with the intent of understanding one another is one of the most important responsibilities of people who live in a democracy. It’s how we make informed decisions.

So track me down. Call me out. Tell me I’m full of crap, and bring your a-game. I’m looking forward to it.

Episode 305: Effective and Loving Family Communication With Author and Coach Brandy Champeaux

If you've watched the channel for a while, you'll have noticed that clear, honest, loving communication is key to so many family safety issues. From protecting our children from predators, to online safety, to stopping bullies in their tracks, to mental health issues ranging from anxiety to suicide...communication is a key skill.

Brandy Champeau has made her career out of helping parents learn how best to communicate with their children, and with each other. She's no white-tower academic either, but a homeschooling mom who has tested what the learned in the ultimate crucible: parenthood. In this episode, Brandy shares the contents of her upcoming book, and how we as parents can apply its lessons to keeping our families closer, healthier, and safer.

5 Tips for Planning a Safe Vacation

In this interview right here, I talk with Chris Story about advances.

Advance is a trade term used by bodyguards and other protectors. It means the work done before a client arrives someplace, to make sure that place is safe. When you have a big budget (think a country’s president or a billionaire), you send a team some days ahead to check everything out.

Most parents don’t have that kind of budget. But we can use the concept, and some of their best tools, to prepare for our trips and make them both safer and easier.

5 Tools to Help You Plan for a Safe Vacation


This is the Australian government’s public information site about how safe it is to travel to different countries across the globe. Each country listing includes detailed information about safety, health care, travel advisory, and any important major differences in the local laws.

The US State Department also maintains a similar site. I like Australia’s better because, over the 20 years I’ve been using both, Australia’s seems less influenced by the politics of whoever’s in charge at the time. (Or I just don’t see the influence because I’m less familiar with Australian politics).

Use this site when you’re choosing destinations, and again once you’ve made your choices. It gives a strong overview of the safety realities you will meet when you get there.

2. Google Maps

You already know what this is, and what it does. You might not know how useful it is for safe travel planning.

Once you know where you’re going, you can use this to locate the various places you’ll go: the hotel, museums, tourist attractions, etc. After you use the maps app, switch over to Google Earth. Use both the satellite and street views to get a good sense of what the destination and route look like. You will be surprised how useful those details become, even if it’s just so you know exactly what your destination looks like.

Although this is the best app available to civilians for this kind of planning, it won’t necessarily be useful to you once you’re in-country. Breakups in signal and phone functionality will sometimes kill this app. For real-time information on site, you’ll use Waze (see below).

3. Safe Esteem

The only for-pay app on this list, Safe Explore is an incredibly powerful suite of tools that give you a personalized travel risk report with suggestions. It’s used by professional protectors several thousand times per day.

When you put in your information, it gives you a weighted report that compares property crime, violence, accidents, environmental issues, and health concerns as compared to your home, and other potential destinations. It also offers personal profiles for travelers with specific concerns like women traveling alone, LGBTQ+ travelers, and people with medical conditions.

The app has versions for small business, enterprise, and individuals, so although it does cost some money it’s not prohibitive.

4. Waze

You already have at least one map and route app on your phone, but you should use Waze for two reasons.

First, it’s the most popular app of its kind once you get out of North America. That means it will reliably work most place you’ll want to travel.

Second, it aggressively crowdsources real-time reports of things like accidents, police checkpoints, and bad road conditions.

All put together, this is the winner for your navigation while you’re in-country. Whether you’re driving yourself, or checking the cab driver’s work, it is reliable and accurate in a way that most other apps are not.

5. 911 By Country

This will be the quickest item on your checklist, but potentially the most important if anything goes wrong.

911 is the emergency services phone number for only about 20% of countries in the world. In the UK it’s 999. Vietnam uses 113. Russia, 102.

Jump on this website. Find the number(s) for your destination(s), and put it on the back of your phone with a labelmaker, sticker, or marker.

One Last Thing…

It’s also smart to do a google search for “(Place You’ll Visit) Expat Forums”.

Expat stands for “expatriate”, which means somebody who has left their own country to live someplace else…usually somebody from an English-speaking nation. These forums are populated by people who live where you want to go, and who know the details like any other local plus the particular hazards of being foreigner in that region.

If you haven’t yet, take the time to watch Chris’s video here. He shares many other important tips for safe family travel. The conversation changed how I plan for travel with my family, and will definitely improve how you do it, too!