The Basics

Safest Family on the Block is what happens when a 6th degree black belt, journalist, and father of two spends too much time talking with experts about how to keep our families safe. What kinds of experts? Well, for example...

  • A Paramedic Captain about preventing child injuries

  • A suicide counselor on early warning signs

  • A defense investigator on how criminals choose victims

  • A school administrator and retired Marine on school safety

  • A SWAT leader on how to keep intruders out of the home

  • A medic on building the perfect family first aid kit

  • A martial arts teacher on how to defeat bullies

  • A Verbal Judo instructor on communicating with our kids

  • A consumer journalist about product safety

  • A bodyguard on travel safety techniques and preparation

And lots, lots more. We're closing in on 100 episodes with no signs of stopping any time soon. Your support will help me bring this important information to families, martial arts schools, public schools, and public safety departments worldwide. 

Besides the YouTube channel and accompanying audio podcast, we have a newsletter, blog, various books and courses, and all kinds of other ways parents can get information about how to keep themselves and their families safer and more secure. 

The Story

Hi. I'm Jason Brick. I've been a martial artist for 37 years, a journalist for 12, and a dad for 28 (if you total the ages of my kids). I've also travelled the world, taught self-defense, and worked as a bodyguard and security consultant. 

When I adopted my oldest son on his eighth birthday, I was already a 4th degree black belt. I had seen sketchy parts of the world, and done both dumb things and smart things in them. I'd won gold medals in four different kinds of martial arts competition. I once hit a man so hard he got a disease (no, really!). I thought I was pretty badass. 

Then I saw how having this small life I was responsible for threw a huge wrench in that process. Half the stuff I knew would put my child in harm's way if I did the techniques as taught...and the amount of stuff I didn't know that I needed to could just about fill the Grand Canyon if I typed it in a really small font. What I'm saying is, the arrival of my first son identified a blind spot so big it was honestly scary.

Luckily, I knew some smart people with more experience. Martial artists who had become parents before I did. Bodyguards, who are good at protecting a third party. Members of the Three Disciplines (fire, medic, and police). Teachers, counselors, and communicators of various stripes. I made it my life mission to learn how to keep my family safe in all the ways I could. I studied it the way I studied physical combat as a younger person, and learned a lot. 

Safest Family on the Block is the next stage of that education. I use what I learned as a lens for this interview series, and the books and resources I create. It's been great so far, but I need some help to make it all that it could be. Which is why I'm asking for help from some folks here and there. With a little from everybody, I can make this a resource for every parent who needs it, no matter where their blind spots are. 

The Project

Safest Family on the Block exists to get information into your hands. The most important ways we do this include:

  • The YouTube channel, delivering weekly in-depth interviews with experts from multiple disciplines

  • The Facebook page, where you can find news, information, and humor of use to parents of all stripes

  • The Instagram feed, offering safety tips and inspirational ideas to help us all make this parenting journey a little easier

  • The Newsletter, delivering weekly family safety briefings you can put into action right away

Beyond that, we have two special programs I’d like to tell you about in some detail

On patreon

Our Patronage program delivers ad-free, early access to the podcast, plus exclusive extra resources, to people who want to support the project on an ongoing basis. For as little as 3 cents a day, you can keep our efforts moving forward and get solutions to your biggest parenting problems. Click the link below if you’d like to become part of Team Safe Family.

The Guy to Blame for All This

Jason Brick is a father, husband, martial artist, geek, writer, world traveler, and cook — in approximately that order of importance. Since beginning his freelance writing and journalism career in 2009, he has produced over 80 books and 5,000 articles on subjects ranging from personal safety to advanced thermodynamics. He speaks internationally to writers about business, and to businesses about writing, and shares some of his stories about travel, safety, and personal growth as a keynote speaker all over the world. He also ghostwrites one book a year.

If you would like to book Jason for your next event, or talk about turning your thoughts into the perfect book for your needs, just email him here. He loves to geek out about this stuff, and will be happy to do that with you.

Jason’s favorite things:

  • Color: orange

  • Ice cream: blackberry

  • Movie: Conan the Barbarian

  • City to Visit: Siem Reap, Cambodia

  • Book: Farenheit 451

  • Soup: Mulligatawny

  • Song: Manowar’s Heart of Steel

  • Flower: honeysuckle for smell, sunflowers for look

  • Food: deli sandwiches

  • Beer: Tiger

  • Comic: Bloom County

You can also find Jason on Facebook, where he shares bad dad jokes, picks fights about politics and philosophy, and holds forth on various geek topics like Dungeons and Dragons, science fiction, and heavy metal music.