I’ll be 100% up front with you. I do okay. I love my job as a freelance writer and researcher. It keeps me eating food, sleeping indoors, and taking care of my kids while allowing me flexibility of schedule and location. That said, I would love to transition my efforts to running Safest Family on the Block full time. 

If you love what you see me doing, please consider supporting the show and my other content. I’ve set up a few ways for folks to do that:

If you’re all in, consider becoming an advertising patron. We can set up a partnership or message to share on the show and grow your project and this one. Email me today and we’ll talk about the details.

For just $15 a month, you can back us on Patreon as a Bodyguard. You’ll get early access and raw, unedited video, a monthly safety worksheet, and my undying thanks.

If you can spare 10-15 cents a day, you can still back our Patreon program at our Supporter or Protector levels, where you get the early access, the safety worksheet, and the good feeling of helping our project keep moving forward.

If you love this, but you’re hard up, you can still help. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Comment on our feeds and join the conversation. On the one hand, it helps our performance algorithms. On the other, you add your unique thoughts to our content. Everybody wins.